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W商業 / 顧問Watson

A Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Data Center (CCIE Data Center) professional is responsible for planning, design, implementation and management of the complex modern IT data center infrastructure
t商業 / 撰稿tekyworld

Product Name:Head rotor &Rotor Head&Cabezal Raw Materials: GCr15 or 20CrMn; Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:3,4,5,6 Cylinder

全套獨木舟, 跟靠背及鋁質槳, 加州式船體設計,艇底龍骨線提供優良直進性。好爬省力! With back rest and paddle, offers great tracking on water.

We are the professional Oem manufacturer in China for cabinet hinge and drawer slide since 1986. The good quality of product is our most important concerns. Choose us to get more business cooperation!
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

Professional OEM manufacturer in China since 1986, major product is cabinet hinge and drawer slide. Quality is our most important concerns, with competitive price, Riming will be your best choice.
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

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Product Name:sSolenoid valve spring force adjustment Shims Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:12V ,24V,12V LONG,12V SHORT,12V IN,24V OUT

Product Name:solenoid valve Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:12V ,24V,12V LONG,12V SHORT,12V IN,24V OUT

Reliable, qualified and professional teacher offers English lessons

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F商業 / 市場策劃First Page

班底包括英文系,數理系畢業-三大碩士,其他包括八大商學院,法律系,公共行政,中文系,畢業生及English native speakers 成員全擁Second upper Honours 以上畢業(GPA3.3 ABOVE),Your Writing-Expert Your professional academic assistant
教學進修 / 學術諮詢Save Your Grades Team HK

香港網球總會註冊​教練 / USPTA Professional Coach - Tony Leung 專業資格: 香港網球總會註冊​教練 (Level 1) 美國職業網球協會專業教練 課程主旨: 針對學員程度, 體能及技術所需, 制定合適教學方案 教授形式: 私人, 小班, 及 團體 收費: 私人/小班教授: 每小時$500-550 (已包括康文場租) 聯絡電話 / Wh

HK Wedding Band / Live Band: Professional Event Music Planner, Musicians, Singers (Filipino & Local), Backup Vocalists & Audio Engineers; Plays Jazz, Blues, Pop, Samba, R&B, Dance and Classical music.
結婚 / 婚禮演奏Deans Live Music

專業教授鋼琴樂理、鋼琴伴奏 Professional piano & theory teacher , Piano accomapniment LTCL , ATCL , DipABRSM Miss Lau tel. 62269530
c音樂 / 教學進修clariselauling

“Adler Superior” is a Professional recruitment agency with a great mission and big difference. We are a leading and experienced employment agency that works with a broad range of industries.

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攝影及影音 / 攝影Gary Studio

無論任何business,視覺都是十分重要的元素;graphic design的角色是必不可少。 本人提供各類平面設計:Logo、卡片、宣傳品 (banner, flyer, poster, etc)、餐牌、小冊子等等⋯⋯ Design用AI或photoshop為主,如需要印刷上的建議都可以提供。 歡迎DM quote價。
設計 / 平面設計KK Graphic Design
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